My Portfolio – A Case for Investing in ETFs

In this episode, I explain why stock-picking or investing in specific securities is not an optimal investing strategy (compared to investing in ETFs), especially for individual investors. I also talk through the individual securities in my portfolio and explain my rational for holding these securities, despite my position against stock […]

Stock Splits – A Case Study of Tesla

Heeeeeey, I’m back!In this episode, I discuss: stock splits, using Tesla as a case study; Tesla’s current valuation and its perceived overvaluation; an easy way to know when a stock is cheap or expensive (relative to other / similar companies in the same industry) based on its share price, using […]

Hindsight bias in investment decisions

In this episode, I discuss my rationale for investing in five different securities in the Healthcare / Pharma, Tech / Data, Fintech / VC sectors.  EXASOL AG (Germany) German Startups Group (Germany)  Sensyne Health (UK) Vivoryon Therapeutics (Germany) Amigo Holdings(UK) I also discuss the performance of each of these five […]

Withdrawing your pension before retirement… today

“Without prejudice to subsection (1) of thissection, any employee who disengages or is disengaged from employment before the age of 50 years and is unable to secure another employment within four months of such disengagement may make withdrawal from his retirement savings account in accordance with the provisions of section […]

UBA issues a notice of early redemption to investors (bondholders) – a look at callable bonds

On Friday 29th May, 2020, one of Africa’s biggest banks, United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA), issued a notice of early redemption to investors, exercising the call option attached to the bond at the issue date, thereby informing investors that the bond will be redeemed on 30thJune, 2020. The bond […]